Technical Expertise & Municipal Industry Experience

Budget constraints require counties, local municipalities, and special purpose governmental entities to find innovative ways to reduce cost while maintaining the service levels constituents expect. Reduction of government costs means reducing risk, achieving sustainability, improving efficiency, and foresight to take advantage of unique opportunities as they develop.

And while this is a tall order, you can find the help you need from an organization that specializes in governments like yours one that has both the technical expertise and the county or municipal industry experience necessary to get the job done.

Our local government practice is composed of risk management, safety, environmental, engineering and loss control professionals. All of this gives us the deep resources necessary to not only address governmental projects and operations but also provide the holistic services governments seek to prosper.

At Rizikon, we concentrate on providing you the best person to accomplish the tasks that have been identified as a priority. We know what they are – because we take the time to ask.


Who We Serve

For decades, we’ve been serving a host of governmental clients, including:

  • Cities
  • Counties

  • Villages

  • Townships

  • Road Commissions

  • Enterprise Funds including power, water, sewer, transportation, community development and more.