Professional Consultation to Address Risk-Based Issues

Rizikon professionals provide professional consultation with clients to address risk based issues within their organizations. Organization Risk Management (ORM) provides the client a structure to understand and respond to operational uncertainties and opportunities with relevant risk insight delivered through common, integrated risk identification, analysis and management disciplines. ORM enhances the client’s organizational stability by refining decision making processes, strengthening governance and supporting a risk intelligent culture.

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Audits & Analysis

Auditing and analyzing systems to evaluate risk, and compliance with regulations is especially important because of potential liability issues. Rizikon provides a client specific set of audit protocols to be integrated into the audit and assesses site performance with respect to business operations, risk exposure and compliance with applicable regulations.

Audits are structured to assess a company’s performance against its own internal standards. These assessments often exceed regulatory requirements and encompass industry specific Best Practices. Rizikon professionals can either develop a protocol or use our RESHAP protocol.