Qualitative & Quantitative Approaches to Risk Management

Rizikon professionals have significant experience in conducting risk training programs and facilitating workshops, whether it be with senior executives or ground level operational teams. Courses focus on subjects that assist with risk identification, regulatory compliance and operational efficiencies.

Our consultant team is highly skilled in listening, challenging, prompting and engaging participants to ensure the session objectives and deliverables are achieved. Examples include developing risk policy and governance models; risk appetite statements; risk assessment criteria or to facilitate risk identification and assessment workshops.

We understand that it must be relevant and meaningful to the organization, representative of real world operations and have the ownership of the executives, management and staff.

Blue Triangle

Instructors with “Real Industry Life” Experience

We offer many effective, down-to-earth training courses to examine threat and opportunity from a top-down and bottom-up perspective. For each of our courses, we provide trained instructors with “real industry life” experience.

We provide training at every level, from introductory courses such as Fundamentals of Risk Management and topical board issues such as Incident Investigation.

Our Classes